Advisory Opinion No. 18-01

Issuing Agency: JCOPE

Description: Reviewing and clarifying the application of the post-employment restrictions of the Public Officers Law 

Laws Covered: Public Officers Law § 73

Statutes Referenced: 73(8)(a)(i) ; 73(8)(a)(ii)

Other Opinions Cited:  88-01 ; 89-07; 89- 09; 90-0790-16; 90-19; 90-21; 90-2291-01; 91-02; 91-1291-
17; 91-18; 93-11; 94-02; 94-0494-05; 94-06; 94-18; 94-20; 94-21; 95-06; 95-07; 95-15; 95-1695-19; 95-
23; 95-31; 97-01; 97-05; 97-09; 97-1599-16; 99-17; 08-02; 11-03; 17-03


Related To: Post-Employment Restrictions; Revolving Door; Lifetime bar; Two-Year Bar; Appear; Practice; Backroom Services; Contracting with Former Agency; Same Case, Proceeding, Application, Transaction


    Advisory Opinion 18-01

    The Joint Commission on Public Ethics has issued Advisory Opinion 18-01 to provide more clarity on the post-employment restrictions applied to State officers and employees when they leave State service

